What has made your heart beat faster? What has forced the wind from your lungs, leaving you breathless? What has filled your heart with an unspeakable joy and has brought tears to your eyes? What has caused goose bumps to creep up your arms, with no adequate way to describe the awe filled moment with words alone? When have you lost all conception of time? You looked up at the clock and noticed that hours have vanished. Where did they go?
We have all felt these sensations at one time or another. But can you remember the moment? What caused this feeling? How can you recapture that feeling when pure unobstructed spirit was allowed to flow through you in that magical moment of intense inspiration?
This is why I paint.
Here’s an interesting exercise to try: Quietly contemplate the questions mentioned above at a time when you know you will not be disturbed. Do not search too hard though. By trying too hard to remember, you will only chase the memory away. Just like the word that’s stuck on the tip of your tongue, it will come to you when you least expect it. When something does come to you, and it will, even if it happens to be 3:00 in the morning, write it down! In fact, write down all of the moments that come to you. Then take some time to contemplate upon these memories. Be careful not to dwell on the past in doing this exercise, wishing in vain that you were back in those days gone by. Instead look for the message that these memories are bringing to you today. What are they trying to tell you? What can you use right now? Where is your inspiration? Write it all down and see what happens next… Until next week… Pam
Please feel free to visit my website: http://www.PAEllisVisionArt.com to view the results of my own inspiration through my artwork.