
Tips, tools, tricks and other fun stuff to help increase the flow of creativity in your life...pass it on...

Saturday, May 5, 2007


One sure way I have found to experience the flood of inspiration is to acknowledge all that I have to be grateful for and to fully embrace this feeling with my entire being - heart and soul. But how do we accomplish this? How do we capture and keep this feeling alive within ourselves? The saying "count your blessings" has become so cliche. It seems that the words barely register in our brains any longer, let alone in our hearts.
So many times, throughout our days, we let the little moments pass us by. We don’t notice the smile from a stranger and we don’t hear the birds singing in the trees. The sunrise and sunset go by without a second look from us. And we wonder, what have we got to be grateful for? It’s not as though we are ungrateful people. We are just so busy, cluttered with the details of our own lives, that we barely notice anything that is going on outside our own heads. Unless, of course, it ticks us off.
However, one thing that I have found which changes all of this for a moment, is consciously starting my day by declaring it to be "A Day Filled With Blessings". Then I get up and actively look for the blessings. This immediately changes my perspective on the moment and lightens my mood. I quickly find, that as I look around myself, I am actually surrounded by blessings on all sides, both big and small, they are everywhere I look. At times this realization can be quite overwhelming.
In fact this morning, I went to the mailbox and found a thank you card from someone. She wrote to express her gratitude for my invitation to attend the opening reception of my recent art show. I was blown away with gratitude by this gesture of hers. It was funny, but I could visualize her conceiving the idea to write this note. I could envision her writing it and feeling the gratitude towards me. This visualization was so uplifting, that I felt inspired to write this entry. Gratitude is also contagious, it goes hand in hand with inspiration...So pass it around.
Until next week...Warm wishes to you all,Pam