
Tips, tools, tricks and other fun stuff to help increase the flow of creativity in your life...pass it on...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


After the long cold dark winter, how good does it feel to throw open the windows, let the light shine in and experience the sweetness of the warm spring breeze as it flows through your home?

Change + Awareness = Inspiration!!!

How often do we get stuck in a routine? We do the same things day after day after day. Life becomes extremely predictable. It may not be boring as such, because we are still very busy. But where is the inspiration? Where is the zest? Living like this is not such a terrible thing. It just is what it is. But in my opinion, life could be so much more!

When is the last time you flew out of bed in the morning, thinking,” I can’t wait to start this day?” Do you remember? I asked myself this very question recently. To be perfectly honest, I had a hard time remembering when it happened last and what the occasion was. But what I do remember is that the only time I really feel this way is when something is going to happen that is out of the ordinary. CHANGE!

Personally, I have a love / hate relationship with change. I love it. I thrive on it. I crave it. But at the same time I find that it can also be unnerving and stressful…walking into the land of the unknown.

Just that phrase alone…WALKING INTO THE LAND OF THE UNKNOWN. Doesn’t that sound exciting? I think so. It sends chills up my arms. But at the same time I can’t help but feel a little tightening of fear in my stomach as well. It takes courage to change, to try something different. But I find that in most cases, when I finally do manage to gather up the strength and courage to face that fear and try something new, the experience brings a new quality to my life. I actually feel ALIVE!

Change doesn’t have to be huge to have an effect on our lives. Even the smallest things can make a difference. What are you going to make for dinner? The regular meat and potatoes or how about dusting off that old cookbook that’s been shoved to the back of the cupboard and try something new? How about taking a different route to work? How about just taking a drive somewhere new, just to explore? I can hear some people saying, “Are you nuts? With the price of gas the way it is?” Fine, then don’t drive, take a walk…someplace new. Go in a different direction. See something NEW! It is amazing how alert and aware we are when we are encountering a new experience, exploring new territory. We can’t just cruise though it like we do with our regular routines. We have to pay attention.

I remember my Grandpa had a saying, “Take care of your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.” This may seem completely irrelevant to the topic here but the theory behind it can apply to experience and change as well. If we take the initiative to expose ourselves to new things on a regular basis, just little things, simple things, then after a while we will begin to notice that our entire lives begin to change in many wonderful ways. And the next time someone asks you, “What’s new?” You won’t respond with the typical, “Not much.” Instead you will have something to share, which may, in turn, provide inspiration for that person or someone else. Who knows for sure until we try?

Inspiration is not found by idly standing by. It is found in action, in doing, in exploring and discovering.

One final note that I would like to make about change is this:

I believe that if we constantly expose ourselves to little self induced changes in our own lives, then the ominous fear of the unknown will begin to diminish slightly. This, I believe can greatly help us when big changes arise in our lives. Because of our conditioning, we may find it easier to adapt more readily to these bigger changes and to use our new found ability to discover the light in the darkness of the unknown.



Wednesday, June 20, 2007


What is this life for? Why are we here?

Recently a friend of mine sent me a story that she had written for her granddaughter. It was a story about her life up till the age of about 12. I read it with interest and curiosity. Her writing was very good. I could clearly visualize being there in those special moments with her. It was funny though, while I was reading it, and visualizing, I was also reminded of so many memories from my own childhood. Vivid images flooded my mind. Simple things, special things that I had long ago forgotten.

One memory in particular was a time when I was playing in the backyard of our home on Morgan Avenue. I remember that it was a warm sunny day. I was at the far side of the yard when I caught glimpse of a snail inching its way along the rough wooden fence. In that instant, time stopped for me. I became lost in the moment while watching this tiny creature. I remember observing intently; its body expanding and contracting as it slowly moved along. The grayish brown texture of that slimy skin glistened with the reflection of the sun’s rays, beautiful. Its shell was held aloft, like a prize trophy, smooth and spiraled to the center point. I remember being absolutely amazed by this tiny creature. I could feel its life, its energy. I could imagine being that little snail. I was totally immersed in the moment. I also remember being shocked back into “reality” when my Mother called my name.

I would have been about four or five at that time. The interesting thing about this memory is that I realized, even at that young age, without consciously knowing it, I was meditating. In retrospect, I have actually been meditating my entire life, without knowing it. This meditation, of course, was not the formal type; sitting in the lotus position, fingers touching thumbs, straight back etc. This can be a wonderful practice but I can see clearly that it is not the only route to go. Being immersed in the moment, aware of every sensation, no distraction, fully absorbed in the experience, interest and curiosity, this too is meditation.

Why are we here? What is this life all about? In my heart, I feel that it is all about experience. Good, bad, or indifferent, small, large or in between, it makes no difference. What makes the difference is what we make of it and what we learn from it. All of our experiences happen for a reason. Sometimes we are aware of this and sometimes we’re not. What did this memory from my childhood do for me today? How did it affect my life? It is far too difficult and detailed to explain fully, but what I can say is that it did, in fact, affect me as a person. It played a part in making me who I am today. Reflecting on this, I am inspired to accept the experiences that I am currently having today and truly accept them for what they are. Because I know that they are simply building blocks for the future.

Here’s a simple exercise: Pull out some old pictures from when you were a child. Look at them and let yourself be taken back in time. When you’re ready, close your eyes and let yourself slip away deeper into those memories. Do this for about 5 to 20 minutes. When you open your eyes, write down the qualities that you noticed in yourself through those memories and any thoughts of how they may have affected your life today. If anything else comes to mind (even if it seems unrelated) write that down too.

If the above mentioned exercise doesn’t appeal to you then alternately, you may choose to immerse yourself in a moment right now. One thing I like to do is meditate on a tree.

First I start by seeing the entire tree. This is actually very difficult to do in any detail so next, I look at one single branch. In doing this there is still too much to see, it is difficult to take it all in. So next, I look at one single leaf, I study the varying shades of green, the veins, and the way it curls up on the edges. I carefully study any spots or imperfections, every single detail. I find that it doesn’t take long before I am totally immersed in this moment. In one tiny leaf there is an amazing amount of power that can be felt and experienced in a very profound way, if only we take the time to really notice and appreciate it. This experience, like all others will have an impact on the future. Perhaps it will simply slow us down, help us to relax and appreciate things a little more. Or perhaps the effects may be far more profound.
Enlightenment comes when you least expect it.



Wednesday, June 13, 2007


So often we feel the need for approval and yet we do not like to be judged.

This makes absolutely no sense to me. Yet despite the senselessness of it all, I constantly find myself in the midst of this struggle, in one way or another. What is it all about? Living up to what I think is expected of me, feeling like it is never enough, I continue to do, do, do. But why am I doing this? I’ve found that it is interesting sometimes to stop and ask myself these questions, “Why am I doing this? What is my intention behind this? What am I hoping to gain by all of this? Where is my heart and head in this? What is really going on here?” Usually my answer at this time is DUTY! RESPONSIBILITY! And my personal least favorite, WHAT CHOICE DO I HAVE?!

I have learned that when I start feeling overly tired, depleted and ill, that there is something seriously wrong in my world. I do not mean in the world around me but IN my own world – the way that I am seeing and experiencing things, and the INTENTION behind what I am doing. Usually it takes me a while to click into this though. I suffer until I can’t take anymore. I guess that I need to get myself completely stuck in the muck of the duty rut before I can get the ball rolling and ask myself the question “Why am I doing this?” Then typically what I hear myself saying serves to be the electric shock therapy that I need, at that particular moment to positively alter this negative thought pattern. Without manipulating it, this practice has helped me, time and time again, in many different situations to catch myself deeply imbedded in this muddy mess that I have let myself sink into. It provides me with the blazing jolt of pure energy that enables me to fly out of this rut and resume my course on the path of pure inspiration.

I do not want to live a life filled with duty. I want to be FREE! I do not want to do things because I have no choice. I want the freedom to CHOOSE! To sum it up, I want to create my life and my experiences with the freedom of choice. I want to use my creativity instead of being dragged along. I want to give because it fills my heart with love, not because I expect approval in the fact that I’ve done my duty. I want to create what comes from within, not what I feel others want to see from me or expect to see from me. I want to be perfectly true to who I am, not truly perfect in someone else’s eyes. The latter is impossible. I cannot alter another’s thoughts, likes, dislikes or expectations. In fact, I cannot even truly make someone else happy. That is a choice that they must make for themselves. If it makes me happy to help someone else (which it does) then I’m going to do it. No expectations of reward or judgment allowed.

I hope that this has not come across as a selfish way to live. I can assure you that it is not. Allowing yourself permission to be happy and live an authentic life, in my opinion is the complete opposite to a selfish life. I believe that it is living a life of example, which grants other people the courage to do the same. I also believe that you may just find that you are still doing all of the same things you did before, with maybe a minor alteration here and there. Something small, like a quiet walk, by yourself to clear your mind. Big changes may be necessary at times, but usually not. The main difference for me, I have found, is in the way that I look at things. Attitude and intention. This makes all the difference in the world. If my actions are a result of, or stream from, anything but love, then I know that I am accomplishing nothing. No happiness can be found there from anyone.

In my opinion, if we could all live this way all of the time, I believe that we would find ourselves in a much more peaceful, bountiful world. We would be far more willing to give to others because we would feel no lack within ourselves. In fact, I think that we would feel the need to share our abundance with everyone at all times. I also feel that we would be more apt to let others be, just as they are, again no judgment and no expectation, because we would not feel the need to struggle for power, knowing full well that we already have access to all of the power that we could ever desire, within ourselves.

Don’t you find that it is easier to be happy around happy people and inspired in the midst of inspiring people, than it is when we are surrounded by those who are stuck in the muck. Doesn’t it seem that life flows much more smoothly when we are happy than when we are struggling with despair and duty?

THIS MAKES SENSE TO ME. Inspiration and happiness are contagious. The question is….Who will get this ball rolling? Who will pass it around?

“ Work like you don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching.”
--- Satchel Paige

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Do you remember your childhood days? Do you remember what it felt like to daydream? Do you remember how natural and easy it was to play? Do you remember how your imagination would bring you to places beyond the known world? Do you remember the time when you believed in your dreams, imaginary friends and secretly wondered if a giant actually did live in a castle built in the clouds? Did you believe in fairies, dragons, elves that played in the forest, the troll that lived under the bridge and leprechauns that guarded the treasure at the end of the rainbow? Do you remember wondering where the end of the rainbow actually was? And do you remember wishing you had wings to fly there, picturing yourself soaring with the birds and sliding down that rainbow into the pot of gold itself? Do you remember how magical everything appeared to your senses? Nothing seemed to be beyond the realm of possibility. Do you remember what it felt like in the days when you allowed yourself to play in these magical worlds?

Take a minute to recall some of these special moments from your own childhood days. While you are there, visiting these memories, please don’t judge them to be silly or ridiculous or any of the “Grown Up” titles that we tend to put onto the imaginary world of children. Try only to remember what you felt like, way back then. Try to recall that feeling of magic and endless possibility that lived in your heart. Let yourself sense the wonder and excitement of whatever memory comes back to you. No justification, no judgment, just be there, feel it. Give yourself about 20 minutes or so to contemplate this notion. Let yourself plunge entirely into the waters of pure blissful childhood imagination. Be there. Then, when you are ready, gradually bring yourself back to the present moment and write a note about what you experienced and how you felt.

Imagination, inspiration, where did the magic go? Life has become so serious for most of us. We have forgotten how to play, imagine, dream. At least I know that I have, for the most part. But the time has come to recapture the magic. Why not believe in fairies, elves and the castle in the clouds? It really doesn’t hurt anyone and as a bonus, it can add a little element of intrigue and delight into the day. Besides, how do you know they are not real? We cannot always trust our eyes to tell us what is real…Perhaps…Who knows for sure?

If you have trouble recalling the magical feeling from those childhood days, I suggest renting a movie that you used to love watching as a very young child. For me that movie is The Wizard of Oz. Wow, does that bring me back, in a heartbeat. But the same thing happens when I watch Mary Poppins with my own kids, and I never actually watched that movie as a child. If you cannot recall your favorite childhood movie, then go ahead, give Mary Poppins a try. See what happens. Or more accurately, I guess I should say, “Feel what happens”.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to live in this world as a fully functioning, responsible adult but with the added bonus of the active imagination, daydreams and pure wonder of a child? If this is not pure inspiration, then I do not know what is. That’s all from me for now. I am off to play; first with my kids, and then with my paint. Who knows what will happen from there.

For this particular blog entry I felt inspired to include a quote from one of the great “Daydreamers” of our times. But in searching for the “one” that felt just right, I was flooded with inspiration by so many. I could not seem to narrow it down to just one. So instead I have included five.

“There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.”

Elizabeth Lawrence

“I am enough of an artist to draw feely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

Albert Einstein

“I think there’s a little child in all of us and we all too often forget to let the child out to play.”

Donna A. Favors

“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night”

Edgar Allan Poe

“You see things; and you say, Why? But I dream things that never were; and I say, Why not?”

George Bernard Shaw


All the Best to you


Wednesday, June 6, 2007


By now many people have heard about the law of attraction. Basically, where you put your attention, is where you will be. What you focus your full attention on, is what you will get. If you haven’t heard about this yet, I strongly recommend checking it out! There are hundreds of articles and books written on this subject as well as many DVDs available. I recommend “WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW” I like it because it doesn’t seem to step on any religious toes (in fact one person I talked to said that it actually strengthened her belief). I also found that it does not put an overly excessive amount of weight on material gain alone. It’s kind of like Quantum Physics for Dummies (don’t let the words quantum physics turn you off. It’s actually very entertaining.)

I think that we all instinctively know about the law of attraction. We use it all of the time! If I sit here thinking “I’m angry, I’m sad, I’m blocked, I can’t do this anymore” then that is exactly what and where I will be. But if I tell myself that I’m letting the spirit of creativity flow, in whatever direction it wants to (NON-JUDGEMENTAL) then that is what happens. And when it does, I cannot help but feel happiness. In this state, blocks do not exist!

I think that the reason why I’m writing about this today is because I need a serious reminder myself, a giant kick in the pants with the boot of inspiration. The truth is that I found myself, once again, off track, and needed to affirm and clarify (in my own mind) the truth of how things actually work in my life. This morning I was sitting at my computer thinking…”I’m all out. I have nothing to say. How can I do this week after week? I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well. Why am I doing this in the first place? I don’t think anyone really cares anyway. Or worse yet, maybe they think I’m somebody trying to be some freaky modern day prophet, better than thou, with all of this “Divinely inspired knowledge”. But of course on my end, I know that there is no truth in this. Wah, wah, wah. So why did these thoughts enter my mind? I don’t know for sure. I think it all started with an incident this morning that I just could not seem to let go of. From that point until now my day was on a downward spiral plummeting at the speed of light toward the ground, ready to crash and burn! But luckily, before the complete and total annihilation of my day occurred, a voice inside myself reminded me once again to walk the walk. Click, the light bulb turned on and I remembered.

Really, the reason why I write is to provide an ongoing reminder for myself to actually DO the things that I know work for me. It’s like a self affirmation…a reminder of the things I’ve uncovered along the way and lessons that I’ve learned. It’s a way to refocus my attention on the positive aspects of my life and the route to pure inspiration. If anyone else gets anything from my blah, blah, blah, then that’s a bonus, and I’m thrilled!

So what did this refocusing do for me today? It reminded me of the law of attraction, helped me to shift my attention to something positive and affirmed to me how the process of writing things down helps me to remember the tools that I know will help me to stay in the stream of inspiration. I guess that I’m not “all out” after all


Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Have you ever been at a cross roads in your life and did not know which way to turn? Have you ever had a decision to make, but just couldn’t seem to decide? Have you ever said “PLEASE GIVE ME A SIGN!”

I know that I have, In fact many many times. But it’s a funny thing. Each time that I receive the sign that I have asked for, it surprises me, and I find myself saying, “WOW! I can’t believe it! That actually worked!” Even though, of course, I know that this exercise works. I’ve used it and seen the results over and over again. Will I ever get used to it? Who knows. In a way, I hope that I don’t.

In fact, just recently I was thinking about my art. I was wondering where I should go next. I had completed all of the short term goals that I had recently set for myself. So now what? What would be the next step in this journey? I could not even begin to think of where to start. My mind was blank. So I set up a sign. Or rather, I simply said, “Wherever I am meant to go next will present itself when the time is right and then I will know.” Now I don’t usually just sit back waiting for the universe to bring all opportunities and experience to my door. I believe that we need to take responsibility for our own lives and every decision that we make. I believe that we need to use our creative imagination to the best of our ability by accessing all of the tools we have gathered in our lives, and decide what we are going to do next. But at the same time I feel that it is important not to cling to the details of these ideas too stubbornly as there are so many factors that we are not consciously aware of. As the saying goes, “Watch what you wish for because you might just get it!” Thankfully, I also believe that there is a higher energy (or consciousness) with a 360 degree view that can help us to make responsible choices. Well this time I was just so unsure, I couldn’t even seem to choose a sign or a time frame that I would like to see, so I decided instead to leave it all to the hands of fate (or this higher consciousness). Well lo and behold, that same day that I set up the “open sign” I received two emails about upcoming shows, asking if I would be interested in joining. TAH DAH!!! The answer to my sign had arrived, and very quickly, I might add.

This is just another trick that I’ve found that helps me to enter into the flow of inspiration. I have found that it can be used in so many different situations, and in so many different ways. It is limited only by our own imagination. You see, in my heart I truly believe that we all have access to signs or guidance, whatever you want to call it, at all times but usually we just aren’t paying attention. We just don’t notice the help that is available to us. But when we set up our own signs, sure enough, then we pay attention. We are alert, watching, listening and waiting for that inner guidance to present itself. Sometimes it happens quickly, and other times it takes a while. In my own experience I have found that when it does show up, it usually presents itself in a subtle way, and the only time that I can see this is when I am paying attention.


All the best to you


Thursday, May 24, 2007


When I was a young girl, I remember my Mom telling me, “Let’s make them a surprise…” Looking back at this, I realize that it was a clever parenting tactic designed to encourage me to do something that I really didn’t want to do, (ie: clean up my room, finish eating my dinner, etc). But I also remember feeling very excited at the prospect of doing something special to surprise someone. This feeling of excitement would cause me to eagerly complete the dreaded task with enthusiasm and newfound energy.

Today I still get excited at the prospect of surprising someone. I feel such a surge of energy. Once, I remember my Mother-in-law telling me that I was glowing when I unexpectedly brought her a small potted plant for no particular reason. The truth is that I could, in fact, feel myself glowing! I felt that I was able to brighten someone’s day a little with a small surprise. But these surprises, I know, do not have to be a material gift at all. I have realized that anything done for, or given to someone strictly out of love for the person will cause me to feel this way.

Another word of advice I remember receiving from my Mom, in my childhood years was this: When you are feeling blue, (having a bad day) do something nice for someone else and you will find that you feel much better. Your day will improve and you will feel happy. This is a message that I, in turn, am trying to pass on to my own children. My five year old daughter, in particular, has taken this to heart. She is constantly giving, with no thought of reward. She draws, paints and colors dozens of pictures for the special people in her life. She loves to be helpful, if she thinks it will brighten our day. In fact, just a few moments ago she gave me her last little chocolate Easter egg, because she knows that I adore chocolate. It did brighten my day and when I looked into her eyes to thank her, I noticed that she was glowing! It’s funny how things work. My Mom taught this to me, I taught this to my kids and when I forget to follow this advice, one of my kids will teach it to me once again. I am very grateful for this!

We all like to feel helpful. We all want to feel necessary. We all want to feel as though we are making a difference in this world. Without giving a little to those around us, purely out of love, I do not know how we can accomplish this. I guess, once again, the trick is to remember to do it.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


What has made your heart beat faster? What has forced the wind from your lungs, leaving you breathless? What has filled your heart with an unspeakable joy and has brought tears to your eyes? What has caused goose bumps to creep up your arms, with no adequate way to describe the awe filled moment with words alone? When have you lost all conception of time? You looked up at the clock and noticed that hours have vanished. Where did they go?

We have all felt these sensations at one time or another. But can you remember the moment? What caused this feeling? How can you recapture that feeling when pure unobstructed spirit was allowed to flow through you in that magical moment of intense inspiration?

This is why I paint.

Here’s an interesting exercise to try: Quietly contemplate the questions mentioned above at a time when you know you will not be disturbed. Do not search too hard though. By trying too hard to remember, you will only chase the memory away. Just like the word that’s stuck on the tip of your tongue, it will come to you when you least expect it. When something does come to you, and it will, even if it happens to be 3:00 in the morning, write it down! In fact, write down all of the moments that come to you. Then take some time to contemplate upon these memories. Be careful not to dwell on the past in doing this exercise, wishing in vain that you were back in those days gone by. Instead look for the message that these memories are bringing to you today. What are they trying to tell you? What can you use right now? Where is your inspiration? Write it all down and see what happens next… Until next week… Pam

Please feel free to visit my website: http://www.PAEllisVisionArt.com to view the results of my own inspiration through my artwork.

Saturday, May 5, 2007


One sure way I have found to experience the flood of inspiration is to acknowledge all that I have to be grateful for and to fully embrace this feeling with my entire being - heart and soul. But how do we accomplish this? How do we capture and keep this feeling alive within ourselves? The saying "count your blessings" has become so cliche. It seems that the words barely register in our brains any longer, let alone in our hearts.
So many times, throughout our days, we let the little moments pass us by. We don’t notice the smile from a stranger and we don’t hear the birds singing in the trees. The sunrise and sunset go by without a second look from us. And we wonder, what have we got to be grateful for? It’s not as though we are ungrateful people. We are just so busy, cluttered with the details of our own lives, that we barely notice anything that is going on outside our own heads. Unless, of course, it ticks us off.
However, one thing that I have found which changes all of this for a moment, is consciously starting my day by declaring it to be "A Day Filled With Blessings". Then I get up and actively look for the blessings. This immediately changes my perspective on the moment and lightens my mood. I quickly find, that as I look around myself, I am actually surrounded by blessings on all sides, both big and small, they are everywhere I look. At times this realization can be quite overwhelming.
In fact this morning, I went to the mailbox and found a thank you card from someone. She wrote to express her gratitude for my invitation to attend the opening reception of my recent art show. I was blown away with gratitude by this gesture of hers. It was funny, but I could visualize her conceiving the idea to write this note. I could envision her writing it and feeling the gratitude towards me. This visualization was so uplifting, that I felt inspired to write this entry. Gratitude is also contagious, it goes hand in hand with inspiration...So pass it around.
Until next week...Warm wishes to you all,Pam